Search courses
Below is a list of all courses available to students within EUGLOH. In order to find what you are looking for, feel free to use the search function below to filter the list. You can use one or multiple keywords in the search box in order to find what you are looking for.
For example; LU together with Virtual, will filter the list and show you all virtual courses available at Lund University. Once you have found an interesting course, you can click on the webpage button to open more information about the course and the university (opens in a new tab/window)
For even more fine grain control, click on the "Custom filter" button and create your own filter.
Information about the data
Please note that the courses listed on this page are examples of what might be offered. Make sure to double check the availability of the courses that your are interested in and keep in mind that courses have prerequisites that you will have to fulfill.
There might also be additional courses that are not included in the list.
The data has been provided by the EUGLOH partner universities