Designing a CV and a Skills Pitch

An opportunity to win a participation in the second annual Eugloh Summit in Paris!
17 May 2022
Target Group
EUGLOH Master & PhD students
All partners
Closed  (Deadline: 13 May 2022 23:59)


  1. Job fairs are a great opportunity to pitch and promote your skills to recruiters. In particular, a face-to-face meeting will allow you to communicate more easily than on your CV about your interpersonal skills and your skills that are directly transferable to the position to be filled. Beyond your scientific and technical know-how, it is your ability to solve complex problems, your analytical and synthesising skills, your adaptability, your sense of collaboration, your autonomy and your strength of conviction that will make the difference. This module will enable you to be prepared to attend job fairs (this training is a good preparation to participate in the online Job fair on May 18).
  2. During the first step, you will identify a core curriculum vitae and debate in detail the goals of its components, referring to the European skills framework and the EUGLOH referential.
  3. During the second step, you will learn how to do a skills pitch and to prepare for a recruitment interview.
  4. If you are selected by the jury, you will be offered to travel in order to attend the exciting event « second EUGLOH annual summit » that will be held from 15th to 17th June, where you will meet companies during a speed dating session.


10.30 AM – 12.30 AM How to build a curriculum.

The curriculum vitae will take into account transferable skills especially relevant for SET disciplines, including entrepreneurial thinking as well as measures to improve reflection and training on research ethics and good scientific practice. The partners will develop recommendations on the recognition of the acquired skills and qualifications to promote transparency and transferability between European Universities.

  • Conference and questions/answers (1 hour)
  • Workshop to build your CV (2 hours)

2 PM – 4 PM How to prepare a recruitment interview and how to prepare a pitch?

  • Conference and questions/answers (1 hour)
  • Workshop to build your pitch (1 hour)
  • Before 6 PM You will produce a general speech or a specific one according to the needs of the companies.

You will have to make a one-minute video of your own presentation and the CV (file on Teams if you want to participate to the competition).

16th June(optional) face to face with companies during the annual EUGLOH Summit from 15th to 17th June