Building Europe’s Campus for Global Health
Arctic Frontiers AS, Norway - Conference organisation, science outreach and education, science policy and interaction between science- business-policy in the Arctic, aim to bring together Arctic stakeholders for holistic discussions.
Associação Fraunhofer Portugal Research, Portugal - The Associação Fraunhofer Portugal Research (Fraunhofer Portugal), is a non-profit private association founded by Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, the largest organisation for applied research in Europe. Fraunhofer Portugal aims on the creation of scientific knowledge capable of generating added value to its clients and partners, exploring technology innovations oriented towards economic growth, the social well-being and the improvement of the quality of life of its end-users. Fraunhofer Portugal promotes and coordinates the cooperation between its research centres, other research institutions and Industry partners, with the objective of undertaking applied research of direct utility to private and public enterprises and of wide benefit to society.
BIAL, Portugal - BIAL is an innovative pharmaceutical company. Dedicated to discovering, developing and commercializing medicines, we are committed to improve people’s lives worldwide. BIAL’s mission is to discover, develop and provide therapeutic solutions within the area of health. Its strategic lines are Quality, the Research and Development and the Internationalisation. BIAL provides solutions for people’s health needs, by playing an active role in the global economy. BIAL also aim to contribute to the construction of a knowledgeable society, one that is competitive, operates with utmost integrity and dynamic, based on scientific development and innovation.
Bayerisch-Französisches Hochschulzentrum, Germany - Promoting the university and research cooperation between France and Bavaria (Germany); Giving advice to students, scientists and universities in a bilateral context; Student mobility grants and funding of research projects; Scientific event management.
HUN-REN Biological Research Centre, Hungary - The HUN Biological Research Centre, Szeged (HUN-REN BRC Szeged) is an outstanding institution of the internationally acknowledged Hungarian biological research. The 4 institutes of HUN-REN BRC - the Institutes of Biophysics, Biochemistry, Genetics and Plant Biology - employ about 260 scientists whose work is hall-marked by highly appreciated international scientific publications and patents. The research topics include several fields of molecular and cell biology from the industrial utilization of bacteria through controlled improvement of cultivated plants to the problems of human health and environmental protection. HUN-REN BRC is mainly a scientific basic research centre, but scientists of HUN-REN BRC play an initiative role in the foundation and promotion of biotechnological companies, as well as in educational duties.
BioSense Institute Research and Development Institute for Information Technologies in Biosystems, Serbia - BioSense, Research and Development Institute for IT in biosystems, is a pioneer in digital transformation of agriculture in Serbia. Exploring scientific and technological frontiers regarding the application of IT in agriculture, the Institute strives to deliver state-of-the- art digital solutions to the farming sector in Serbia and the world, in order to ensure higher yields with smaller investments. Material science, micro and nano electronics, sensor design, remote sensing, Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, biosystem research, cellular agriculture and bioarcheology are just some of the scientific fields BioSense integrates to make agriculture more efficient and uses science as a backbone for economic growth, social well-being, and employment.
Chamber of Commerce and Industry Csongrád-Csanád County, Hungary - The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Csongrád-Csanád has a history of more than 130 years and has 1000+ members from the fields of trade, industry, service and crafts. The role of the chambers is to help their members, the actors of the business sphere, through the improvement of entrepreneurial environment, economic analyses and forecasts, the coordination of vocational training, suggestions, building credible, authentic business relationships and providing consultation in legal, taxation and other matters. The Chamber of Commerce and Industry considers the improvement of cross-border economic cooperation its accentuated task. In order to fulfill this task the Chamber organizes entrepreneur meetings, assists and implements cross-border projects taking active part in the improvement of the cooperation with the Serbian and Romanian Chambers of Commerce and their member entrepreneurs.
Comunidad Autónoma de Castilla La Mancha, Spain - UAH’s twin campus is located in the historical city of Guadalajara, within the region of Castilla La Mancha. As a regional authority, Castilla La Mancha has important competencies on the fields of higher education and health.
Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain - The Comunidad de Madrid, where the main campuses of UAH are located, is one of the Spanish autonomous regions. As a regional government, Madrid is strongly engaged in providing solutions to shared societal challenges through research and education, having taking the initiative of creating several research centres of excellence (IMDEA, in its Spanish acronym). The region also manages a strong network of public hospitals, which are an international benchmark in their fields of specialization.
Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, Germany - With its sites in Hamburg and Zeuthen, DESY is one of the world’s leading centres for research at and with particle accelerators. Its mission is the decoding of the structure and function of matter as a basis for solving the big questions and pressing challenges facing science, society and the economy. DESY develops, builds and operates state-of-the-art accelerator and research facilities for science with high-brilliance X-ray light and is engaged in international co-operations in particle and astroparticle physics as well as photon science. DESY is a member of the Helmholtz Association.
ELI-ALPS Research Institute, Hungary - The Extreme Light Infrastructure (ELI) is the world’s largest and most advanced high-power laser research infratruscture, its Hungarian facility is dedicated to fostering multidisciplinary studies of light-matter interactions on ultrashort – even attosecond – timescales at the achievable highest repetition rate. ELI ALPS is dedicated to studying extremely fast dynamics by taking snapshots of the electron dynamics in atoms, molecules, plasmas and solids at the femtosecond and attosecond scale.
European Spallation Source Eric, Sweden - The European Spallation Source (ESS) is a European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC), a multi-disciplinary research facility based on the world’s most powerful neutron source. The vision is to build and operate the world’s most powerful neutron source, enabling scientific breakthroughs in research related to materials, energy, health and the environment, and addressing some of the most important societal challenges of our time.
Fundación IMDEA Agua (IMDEA Water), Spain - As a research centre of excellence, it aims at generating knowledge to provide solutions that contribute to the global quest for water sustainability. Its core mission is to create an efficient model for the development of science and technology with the productive sector, encourage research and development, and disseminate scientific knowledge through internationally recognised educational programmes. To this end, it deploys its activities in areas that have been long identified as crucial for Global Health, such as sustainable management of water bodies, quality, and pollution.
Gedeon Richter Plc, Hungary - Headquartered in Hungary, Gedeon Richter Plc. is an innovation-driven speciality pharmaceutical company. The activities of the Hungarian-directed multinational company are vertically integrated and involve pharmaceutical manufacturing, research and development, sales and marketing. Richter’s goal is to help the public fight off illnesses with innovative products and, by doing so, help improve the quality of human life.
Genopole, France - Genopole shapes and vivifies a research hub for genomics and life sciences, energizes the growth of biotechnologies by creating, accompanying and welcoming innovative businesses, strengthens a life science academic centre, and organise lively scientific events at the bio cluster.
HCEEM Hungarian Centre of Excellence for Molecular Medicine, Hungary - The Hungarian Centre of Excellence for Molecular Medicine (HCEMM) is working on research and development related to healthy ageing. For the administration of the HCEMM program, HCEMM Kft. was incorporated by the Biological Research Centre Szeged (BRC), the Semmelweis University in Budapest and the University of Szeged. The European Molecular Biological Laboratory (EMBL) functions as the advanced partner of HCEMM. In addition to the initial E.U. Teaming Grant that led to the creation of HCEMM, the Centre of Excellence has also received National Laboratory status in Hungary in 2020. The research and development at HCEMM are carried out by research groups and advanced core facilities. The main research and development focus is the development of molecular approaches (diagnostics as well as treatment) for healthy ageing. Three research pillars related to non-infectious ageing-related diseases have been established (Immuno-inflammatory, Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases as well as Genomic Instability and Cancer). In addition, a fourth pillar related to infectious diseases (co-morbidities) had been established in 2021. The research groups are sup- ported by four ACFs (Functional Cell Biology and Immunology, Single Cell Omics, In-vivo Imaging and Scientific Computing), which work closely with EMBL.
Helse Nord RHF Northern Norway Regional Health Authority, Norway - Helse Nord RHF is the Northern Norway Regional Health Authority. We are responsible for the public specialist health care in northern Norway and Svalbard. In total Helse Nord employs about 17 000 employees. It is the largest employer in northern Norway. Helse Nord is owned by The Royal Norwegian Ministry of Health and Care Services. We have responsibility for 11 somatic hospitals and several specialist polyclinics, psychiatric health care units and hospital pharmacies.
Helsingborg kommun (Helsingborg Municipality), Sweden - Helsingborg Municipality (Helsingborgs stad) is a municipality in Scania (Skåne) County in Sweden. One of LU's three campuses is located here.
Hospital Univ. Ramón y Cajal (on behalf of Instituto Ramón y Cajal de Investigación Sanitaria-IRYCIS), Spain - IRYCIS has as its core mission to create a space dedicated to excellent biomedical research, and to generate useful knowledge for the identification and treatment of current or potential diseases. It leads basic, clinical and translational research, and contributes significantly to the generation of new knowledge, its application to the healthcare practice and business environment and the training of new researchers in biomedicine, with a dedicated orientation to health and societal challenges.
Humanitas University, Italy - Humanitas University is an international medical school dedicated to the Life Sciences. Education and training are fully integrated with Humanitas Hospital and Humanitas Research Center. The core of the University mission lies in the domain of the life sciences prioritorizing robust integration between education, research and clinics.
Ile-de-France Regional Council, France - The Ile-de-France Regional Council is the deliberative assembly that manages the activities of the Ile-de-France region (12-million inhabitants). It is responsible for the development of its region, sustainably managing the region in various fields (education, employment, regional transport, sport, culture). It is also responsible for the management of European funds and programmes (ERDF, EAFRD and part of the ESF).
Institute for Research and Innovation in Health, Portugal - Health Research institution. The Institute for Research and Innovation in Health (I3S) is the result of the will of three research institutes to build a better future gave rise to a new building housing a new institution driven to face and overcome the most relevant health challenges society faces today such as: aging, infectious diseases, cancer, regenerative medicine and neurodegenerative diseases.
Lafarge, Serbia - Lafarge Serbia, a member of LafargeHolcim, is Serbian leading company in the field of building materials. With a powerful brand name “Lafarge”, more than 177 years presence on the market, experience in cement, aggregates and concrete and leveraging our Group’s know-how expertise, customers are offered high quality products and innovative solutions and services. Lafarge is applying state of the art practice in concrete production, with the goal to increase quality control and efficiency, providing additional value to our customers. For the past fourteen years of doing business in Serbia, Lafarge has developed new solutions, products and services to meet our customers’ needs, and a commitment to health, safety, and sustainability.
Leibniz Institute for Experimental Virology (HPI), Germany - The Leibniz Institute of Virology (LIV) is a non-profit research institution of the Leibniz Association and is located in Hamburg. Its research focuses on worldwide relevant human pathogenic viruses that impact current and future public health. These include viral infections as Aids, influenza and hepatitis but also emerging infections caused by corona or West Nile viruses. The overarching goal of the interdisciplinary basic research activities is to elucidate severe virus-related diseases and to create new therapeutic approaches. The LIV therefore offers a holistic, cross-species investigation of viral infection processes, ranging from the investigation of molecular structures and regulatory processes in infected cells to the real-time visualization of processes in living cells and complex infection models in small animals. Using the latest technologies such as viral data science, high-throughput screening and cryo-electron image analysis, multidisciplinary findings will ultimately be translated into new therapeutic approaches or vaccines and used for the preparedness for emerging diseases.
LU Holding, Sweden - LU Holding invests in innovative companies that have substantial growth potential and a committed team. They are an experienced and secure partner whose support for start-up companies also includes operational involvement. Through the holding company, Lund University can work operationally to bring new innovations to the market, by becoming the part-owner of research-based companies or helping to license research results to established companies. The holding company can support newly founded companies both operationally and financially, help with agreement templates and provide representatives to the board.
Lunds kommun (Lund Municipality), Sweden - Lund Municipality (Lunds kommun) is a municipality in Scania (Skåne) County in Sweden. The main campus of LU is located here. Lund, hailed as the top student city in Sweden, boasts a lively campus surrounded by cobble-stoned charm dating back to 990. With students comprising nearly half the population, Lund University's vibrant atmosphere is fueled by 'nations,' the Academic Society, and student unions, shaping enduring traditions.
Medical University of Vienna, Austria - The Medical University of Vienna is a medical training and research higher education institution in Austria. It has 30 university hospital departments, two clinical institutes, 12 theoretical medicine centres and numerous highly specialised laboratories.
Medicon Village, Sweden - Medicine Village: The largest value-driven science park in Scandinavia dedicated to life science. Our 2,800 individuals from 180 companies and organizations drive future-focused life science endeavors. Fully owned by the non-profit Mats Paulsson's Foundation, our sustainable model reinvests returns into vital research and innovation. As a Triple Helix ecosystem in Lund's innovation hub, we foster collaborations, transforming ideas into companies, products, and services.
Ministerio de Defensa de España/Ministry of Defense (on behalf of the Centro Universitario de la Defensa), Spain - The Centro Universitario de la Defensa is a higher education institution that belongs to the Spanish Ministry of Defense. It plays a unique role in delivering medical education to the Spanish armed forces through its affiliation with UAH, and teaching postgraduates in military medical specialties.
Porto City Hall CMP, Portugal - Porto Municipality. Regional Authority with strong connections to Higher Education Institutions. The Municipality of Porto recognises young people as an opportunity and agents of positive change. Porto is a child-friendly city, a friend of youth, educator, European, innovative and university. The Municipal Council of Youth of Porto was created in 2000. In 2009, Porto was the first Portuguese city to develop a Municipal Youth Plan. Education is one of the most decisive factors in human development and deserves, on the part of the City of Porto, a very particular attention as one of its priority areas of intervention, in conjunction with all the agents of the educational system. The materialization of the vision, policy and municipal strategy of education includes the design and implementation of an educational project of city and for the city.
Provincial Secretariat for Higher Education and Scientific Research, Serbia- Provincial Secretariat for Higher Education and Scientific Research performs the tasks of the Provincial Administration in the field of higher education and student standards, such as establishing or co-establishing scientific institutes and research and development centres and exercise their founding rights over them, regulating issues of provincial importance in higher education, proposed by a member of the National Council for Higher Education, solving the housing issue of young people, teachers and scientists, encouraging international cooperation, technological development and innovation activities, providing financial resources for co-financing special programmes of innovation activity and infrastructure on the region of AP Vojvodina, co-financing the programmes of the Branch of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts in Novi Sad, Matica Srpska and other institutions that perform scientific research activities, and are important for AP Vojvodina, providing funds for co-financing basic research programmes and research programmes in the field of technological development in AP Vojvodina.
RCSI - Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, Ireland - RCSI University of Medicine and Health Sciences in Dublin joined the European Alliance in Global Health (EUGLOH) as an associate partner in 2022. RCSI are enthusiastic about collaborating with leading EU Universities to address global health challenges, which is central to our mission – ‘to educate, nurture and discover for the benefit of human health’. Our specialist expertise in global and population health will further enhance EUGLOH in the areas of education, research and societal impact. By engaging our staff and students in opportunities for exchange, joint programmes, research collaboration, funding applications and curriculum development opportunities the future impact and reach of EUGLOH will be enhanced by our presence.
Region Skåne, Sweden - Health care is the dominant activity for Region Skåne. Region Skåne also plays a leading role in work to develop the infrastructure, strengthen trade and industry and create a sustainable region. Dental care, life science, public health, social planning, culture and tourism are also part of Region Skåne's responsibilities.
Servier, France - Servier is a global pharmaceutical Group governed by a non-profit Foundation, committed to therapeutic progress to serve patient needs with the help of healthcare professionals. A leader in cardiology, their ambition is to become a renowned and innovative player in oncology. Their growth is based on a sustained commitment to cardiovascular and metabolic diseases, oncology, neuroscience and immuno-inflammatory diseases. Servier has five R&D centres continuously involved in creating, testing, and developing new medicinal products, which are manufactured and packaged in 16 production centres around the world. 98% of Servier brand- name medicines active ingredients are synthesized in its own plant in Bolbec- Baclair in France.
Soultronic International DOO, Serbia - Soultronic International is part of the Scientific Research and Development Services Industry. They work in the domains of electronics, IT, innovations and biomedicine.
Sportski savez Srbije, Serbia - The Sport Alliance of Serbia is a non- governmental and non-profit national and regional sport federation of Republic of Serbia. It encompasses national branches of sport federations, national expert and other sport associations, as well as regional sport federations of autonomous province and local government.
Synchrotron SOLEIL, France - Large scale high-technology facility, SOLEIL is both an electromagnetic radiation source covering a wide range of energies (from the infrared to the x- rays) and a research laboratory at the cutting edge of experimental techniques dedicated to matter analysis down to the atomic scale, as well as a service platform open to all scientific and industrial communities.
Szegedi Rekreációs Sport Club, Hungary - Szegedi Rekreációs Sport Club is committed to promoting healthy, active lifestyles and has the human resources, infrastructure and partnerships to do so. Since its foundation, the president, the board of directors and other elected officials of the association have been selected from among the faculty and students of the Institute of Physical Education and Sport Sciences of the Juhász Gyula Pedagogical Faculty of the University of Szeged, and they are the main sports staff and members of the sports club. By exploiting this potential, the club has become a major player in the South Great Plain region in the field of recreational and competitive sports events. The university's sports infrastructure (e.g. sports hall, athletics and football pitches, fitness room) ensures that the association can achieve its local objectives.
Szent Ágota Child Protection Service, Hungary - The Szent Ágota Child Protection Service is one of the largest institutional systems providing child protection care in Hungary, covering both children's homes and foster care networks. Nowadays we take care of young people from more than 7,000 families in Baranya, Bács-Kiskun, Békés, Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén, Csongrád-Csanád, Győr-Moson-Sopron, Heves, Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok, Komárom-Esztergom, Nógrád, Pest, Tolna and Veszprém counties and in the capital. Our organization has been performing methodological tasks since 2013, and its authority is valid for all child protection systems operating in the Catholic Church. The foundation and operation of our service provider are the results of serious social and attitudinal development. The development of the Hungarian social policy system allows us to take care of people in trouble. Children in child protection care no longer live in large institutions, but at foster parents or group homes.
Tromsø County Council, Norway - The Tromsø County Council is responsible for regional development, road maintenance, public transport, upper secondary education, vocational education, culture, business development, regional planning, dental health and public health in Tromsø.
Tromsø kommune, Norway - Community development, public health, culture, welfare and educational provider, city operator (infrastructure, municipal buildings, public transport, waste and wastewater etc.).
UPTEC, Portugal – Science and Technology Park of University of Porto supports the creation and development of business projects in the arts, sciences and technologies, through sharing knowledge between the university and the market. Following a clustering strategy and resource sharing between start-ups, innovation centres and anchor projects, UPTEC offers its projects the specific support they need, engaging them into a broader and transversal network of national and international partners and mentors. Since the beginning of its activity, in 2007, UPTEC has supported more than 630 business ideas.
Wroclaw Medical University, Poland - Wroclaw Medical University (WMU) in Poland is dedicated to academic teaching, research, innovation, and societal engagement. WMU has earned top rankings globally, including first in Poland for medical universities in the Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2024. Additionally, it excels in sustainability, being included in the GreenMetric world ranking. Through scientific, educational, and social projects, WMU contributes to advancements in healthcare and societal well-being.