The EUGLOH Competences Framework consists of a list of ten key competences that serve the purpose of cataloguing EUGLOH’s training offer in terms of activities oriented to the development of transversal skills, relevant across all study levels and subject areas. For visual and dissemination purposes, the ten competences are divided into two groups, according to the idea that each hemisphere of our brain manages different functions – the “Left Brain vs. Right Brain” metaphor.
The left side of the framework is associated with logical, analytical or objective skills and functions. Thus, in this group, we find the following competences: Digital Skills; Critical Thinking; Financial & Legal Literacy; Ethics & Responsibility and Knowledge into Action. On the other hand, the right side of the framework is associated to intuition, imagination, creativity and emotional intelligence. Hence, the competences included in this group are the following: Creativity & Problem Solving; Communication & Collaboration; Leadership & Social Impact; Emotional Awareness & Resilience and Intercultural Skills.
Aside from these ten competences, three core competences were added to the most recent version of the framework: Working in Multicultural Contexts; Learning to Learn and Working in Multidisciplinary Teams. These competences embody some of the fundamental vectors of the European Universities Initiative and the EUGLOH Alliance’s mission and goals and can, consequently, be acquired or developed through the participation in any activity.
Based on this communication-based framework, we can label all EUGLOH activities and build the grounds for the future of the Alliance. Students can easily find what they are interested in. It serves, all in all, as a call to action, making the activities seem more attractive, clear and relevant for the participants!