Developed in the framework of Erasmus+, Staff Weeks are training opportunities for academic or administrative staff working in higher education institutions. EUGLOH-related Staff Weeks usually last a full week, including travel periods, and are dedicated to a concrete subject or subjects relevant to staff members of Higher Education institutions.
A Staff Week is generally compromised of a number of different learning opportunities which may include workshops, conferences, teambuilding exercises, exchanges of best practices, seminars, group discussions, job shadowing opportunities, visits to world-class research facilities, social activities and networking events with colleagues.
In the concrete case of EUGLOH, where we aspire to create an integrated, long-lasting Alliance, Staff Weeks are often organised with the additional aim of facilitating a sense of belonging to the Alliance by offering opportunities for sharing good practices that will benefit everyone collectively and building professional networks within the Alliance. The idea is that these activities serve to widen and strengthen the cooperation between the different partner universities and facilitate the establishment of new collaborations.
Previous Staff Weeks for EUGLOH members have taken place in Porto, Lund, Munich, Szeged and Paris and have addressed topics such as communication, good practices, network-building, skills for the future and more.
Financial Support and Contacts
Staff interested in participating in a Staff Week should apply for a grant via their higher education institution, by contacting their international relations office.
You shall receive an EU grant to cover the costs for your travel and subsistence during your time abroad which will depend on the duration of your stay and on the country you are visiting.
You can read more about EUGLOH staff weeks in the European Commission’s Blended Mobility Guide here.
Porto Staff Week
Find out more about the 2023 Staff Week organised by the University of Porto here:
Previous EUGLOH Staff Weeks
- Université Paris-Saclay, 5-8 June 2023
- University of Porto, 17-21 April 2023
- Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, 26-29 September 2022
- Lund University, 9-12 May 2022
- University of Szeged, 6-8 April 2022
- University of Porto, 21-25 March 2022