The research conducted at Lund University increases our understanding of the world, makes complex issues comprehensible and addresses global challenges in areas such as democracy, digitalisation, health and sustainability.
Lund University’s Research Excellence Areas are the following:
This area of research generates new knowledge for disease prevention, healthier living, improved diagnostics and innovative treatments.
New technologies are essential for society, for treatment of diseases and for the development of efficient, clean and secure energy.
Through interdisciplinary collaboration, we can address global social problems, promote human rights and contribute to social sustainability.
This area of research contributes to a better understanding of the problems around us, but also to solving current and future environmental and climate crises.
Furthermore, Lund University has identifiedfive profile areas that are based on internationally unique research expertise. Their interdisciplinary research aims to improve people's lives and solve global problems in ways that have not been possible before. The areas collaborate with national and international experts, industry, the public sector, and other societal actors. Their research is closely linked to existing education and training.
By bringing together several research disciplines, researchers at Lund University aim to address global societal problems and promote human rights as effective tools for justice.
With the expertise available at Lund Laser Centre (LLC), NanoLund and MAX IV, researchers are now able to study materials at a very detailed level and gain insights into processes and functions that were previously impossible to study. This will enable us to understand even more about materials and the building blocks of the natural world.
By studying the behaviour of living entities and combining this with research into robots and software, researchers at Lund University are gaining groundbreaking insights into how intelligent systems work.
Researchers at Lund University are investigating the complex links between biodiversity loss and climate change. They are also studying how these crises impact society and human health and well-being.
This knowledge is being used to develop nature-based solutions that focus on nature's ability to solve challenges through ecosystem services.
By studying different stages of ageing and focusing on people in midlife, researchers at Lund University are developing proactive approaches for health care, social services and community planning. This will contribute to improved health and quality of life for future generations of older people.
Lund University also hosts world-class research infrastructures (MAX IV, LU-Fold, StemTherapy FACS Core Facility, etc.), making it well-equipped to lead the way towards future scientific breakthroughs.