Group of Students


My EUGLOH story

In the “My EUGLOH story” series, members of the Alliance share their own unique EUGLOH experiences. From students who participated in a EUGLOH activity to academics who co-created a course with their peers, to administrative staff members who took part in a staff week, 
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EUGLOH Stories

Group picture of all the student ambassadors who took part in the EUSAF


The European Universities Student Ambassador Forum: knowledge sharing and collaboration between students from European Universities Alliances

The European Universities Student Ambassador Forum (EUSAF) is a conference of student ambassadors from different European university alliances. The…

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The European Universities Student Ambassador Forum: knowledge sharing and collaboration between students from European Universities Alliances
Form Medicum Building Lund University


Early Career Research Stay: An international perspective on health services research for rare childhood diseases

Prof. Dr. Laura Inhestern from the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf of Universität Hamburg, whose endowed junior professorship is funded by…

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Early Career Research Stay: An international perspective on health services research for rare childhood diseases
Two hands form a heart in front of the EU flag.


The EU from the perspective of European students: EUGLOH students represent the Alliance at the European Student Assembly in Strasbourg

The European Student Assembly (ESA) brings together students from university alliances across Europe to share their unique perspectives and work…

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The EU from the perspective of European students: EUGLOH students represent the Alliance at the European Student Assembly in Strasbourg
Lara with members of the LU EUGLOH team during Emmanuel Macron's visit to Lund.


Lara’s Event Experience: “I would have never guessed that being a EUGLOH student ambassador would get me an invitation to see the French President"

The French President Emmanuel Macron, his wife and the Swedish King and Queen visited Lund University on 31 January, 2024. After a short speech from…

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Lara’s Event Experience: “I would have never guessed that being a EUGLOH student ambassador would get me an invitation to see the French President"
Pilar at the University of Coimbra during the ESU.


ESU Conference of the Alliances: “It will always be helpful to create gathering places to generate a sense of community”

The European Student Union organized the Conference of the Student Bodies of the European Alliances at the University of Coimbra, Portugal, in early…

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ESU Conference of the Alliances: “It will always be helpful to create gathering places to generate a sense of community”
Florabelle stands in a garden and smiles while looking at the camera.


Florabelle’s Event Experience: "What I'm doing now is meaningful and will pay off in the future"

The Nobel Prize-winning research professor, Dr. Katalin Karikó, from the University of Szeged held a seminar for the university’s students on 12…

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Florabelle’s Event Experience: "What I'm doing now is meaningful and will pay off in the future"
Two participants in the visit stand in front of the administrative building of the University of Hamburg.


Administrative visit: “Our visit to Hamburg established the groundwork for future cooperation”

Staff members from the University of Szeged, Hungary, visited Universität Hamburg, Germany, this summer in order to establish connections with…

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Administrative visit: “Our visit to Hamburg established the groundwork for future cooperation”
The five EUGLOH participants at the European Parliament in Strasbourg during the 2023 ESA.


European Student Assembly: EUGLOH students take part in policy-making process

Five EUGLOH students recently travelled to Strasbourg, France, to represent the Alliance at the 2023 European Student Assembly (ESA). The goal of the…

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European Student Assembly: EUGLOH students take part in policy-making process
Anna stands in front of a fountain and looks at the camera.


Anna's Annual Summit experience: Fun. Inspiring. Unique

Anna, staff member at the University of Szeged in Hungary, was one of the over 300 participants who attended the 2023 Annual Summit in Lund, Sweden.…

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Anna's Annual Summit experience: Fun. Inspiring. Unique
The participants in a meeting room, listening to a presentation.


Alternative research approaches and cutting-edge ideas at the Joint Innovation Challenges 2023

EUGLOH students participating in the Joint Innovation Challenges, recently had the opportunity to travel to Hungary to present their solutions to…

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Alternative research approaches and cutting-edge ideas at the Joint Innovation Challenges 2023