Activity information
Let's Talk: A course in Intercultural Communication

This course aims at raising intercultural awareness and learning to communicate across cultures through exploring the visible and hidden aspects of culture, cultural similarities and differences, culture shock, the neuroscience of stereotypes, perception, communication styles and conflict management across cultures… in the participating student groups. The main objective of such intercultural exchanges is not necessarily to make a list of the components of a specific culture, but to encourage an enquiring questioning attitude in order to promote tolerance, acceptance and respect for cultural diversity, to provide students with skills that will enable them to cooperate across cultures both in academic contexts and later at the work place in today’s globalized world.
Students will have face to face or online courses about the theoretical aspects of intercultural communication.They will put the theoretical aspects into practice by collaborating online via video conferences with students from various universities.
Content and Methodology
Students from the participating universities will meet online every 7-10 days in small groups to discuss topics around intercultural communication.They will negotiate and prepare a joint project in order to raise awareness about identity - tolerance - discrimination – values - beliefs - communication styles - cultural norms -gender roles- conflict styles … – or any other theme linked to intercultural communication.
Students who validate the course will receive a certificate attesting their skills in "Mediating communication" according to the new descriptors of Common European Framework of Languages ( and the Reference Framework of Competences of Democratic Culture (Council of Europe) ( .
Last update 25 Oct 2024 16:03