
Activity information

Let's Talk: Culture and Technology


Let's Talk: Culture and Technology
Date 14 Oct 2024 - 25 Nov 2024
Location Online
Host university Université Paris-Saclay (UPSaclay)
Mode Online
Target groups Undergraduate students
Contact person DUCROCQ Csilla -
Reference code EUG2_T5_4_0035
Type of event Course
Recognition Transcript of records - ECTS
Language English B2
Recruitment of participants Qualitative Assessment
Number of open spots 34
Evaluation criteria 40% - Academic / Professional Merit 30% - Motivation 30% - Language
Isced fields of study 018 - Interdisciplinary programmes involving broad field 01: Education

The course  focuses on providing students with skills for respectful intercultural communication, ie. skills that enhance mediation across cultures: negotiating tasks and group work across diverse cultural and linguistic contexts, skills that facilitate a plurilicultural space. Recent technological advances -with a particular focus on Artificial Intelligence (AI) - in various fields of society will be discussed and compared  across cultures.Using videoconferencing tools students will discuss both the visible and hidden aspects (values, attitudes…) of their respective cultures, compare the impact of technology on society and values and also cultural attitudes to technology and AI. In mixed groups of 3-4 students, will create a joint project about how to imagine socially responsible and inclusive technology and AI for the future that respects  cultural, religious, generational , gender diversity.

Content and Methodology

Students will be exchanging and collaborating in small groups of 4-5 students , one from each participating university. By the end of the course students will have gained insight into what is meant by intercultural awareness, respectful and non judgemental communication and group work. Students who validate the course will receive a certificate attesting their skills in   "Mediating communication" according to the new descriptors of  Common European Framework of Languages (

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Last update 10 Sep 2024 11:28