Event information
EUGLOH UniTes! Webinar Series on Gender Equality and Gender-Based Violence

This iniciative is open to all EUGLOH and Associated Partner universities.
The EUGLOH UniTes! webinar series is a collaborative initiative aimed at promoting gender equality and preventing gender-based violence across the nine universities in the alliance.
We plan to host four webinars, one each day, during the week of November 25th to 28th. Each session will feature at least two speakers—comprising academics, staff, or students—from a minimum of two partner universities. Each webinar will explore different dimensions of gender equality and gender-based violence, fostering rich dialogue among participants.
Dates & Duration
- Dates: November 25 – 28, 2024
- Duration: 13:00 - 14:30 (CET) / 12:00 - 13:30 (WET) Porto
Modality & Language
- Modality: Online via Zoom
- Language: English
Webinar Schedule:
Monday, November 25 – 13:00–14:30 CET / 12:00 - 13:30 (WET) Porto
Topic: Gender Violence and Legal Perspectives
Tuesday, November 26 – 13:00–14:30 CET / 12:00 - 13:30 (WET) Porto
Topic: Gender Inequalities Across Various Contexts
[Link to join the webinar]Wednesday, November 27 – 13:00–14:30 CET /12:00 - 13:30 (WET) Porto
Topic: Gender Perspectives on Cyberbullying, Sexuality, and Diversity
Thursday, November 28 – 13:00–14:30 CET / 12:00 - 13:30 (WET) Porto
Topic: Panel Discussion: Practical Approaches to Addressing Gender-Based Violence
[Link to join the webinar]
Recognition System
- EUGLOH Certificate
Last update 25 Nov 2024 13:35