The EUGLOH Alliance opens a call for applications, targeting the development of pedagogical training opportunities in the framework of the “Transnational Teaching and Learning” working group and the “Educational Development Programme” task. This team is responsible for reflecting and promoting joint pedagogical innovation in the EUGLOH Alliance and advancing inter-institutional knowledge and cooperation in this area. It is focused on creating common ground between partners, regarding teaching and learning processes, exchanging best practices, as well as building teaching staff capacity to design and co-create innovative educational resources and courses for interculturally diverse and multidisciplinary audiences - in digital and inclusive classrooms.
The selected applications shall carry out their work of development an innovative training activity between March and December 2025. More detailed information about this call is available here.
Objectives of the Call for Proposals
This call aims to support the creation of joint innovative training opportunities for academic staff engaged in teaching and learning at EUGLOH partner institutions. The programme is designed to encourage collaboration across the Alliance, utilising shared resources to develop, test, and implement high-quality training initiatives. It also seeks to facilitate the transfer of best practices and the dissemination of knowledge in innovative teaching and learning within the Higher Education (HE) sector.
Additionally, this programme provides an opportunity for academic staff to expand their international networks within the EUGLOH Alliance, fostering peer-to-peer collaboration and accelerating the development of joint pedagogical projects.
Eligibility Criteria
This call is open to staff involved in pedagogical innovation, including course developers, instructional designers, academics and researchers. Applicants must have an active contractual link with one of the EUGLOH Partner Universities. This affiliation will be validated by the applicant’s Home Higher Education Institution (HEI). Each project submitted must be comprised and co-created by international teams, comprising, at least, representatives from two EUGLOH Partner Universities.
Application Process
The first step in the application process is to establish a partnership with fellow academics or researchers from at least two EUGLOH partner universities. Once a team is formed and a concrete plan for co-creating an innovative training course is in place, you may proceed by submitting your proposal. The submission deadline is December 16th, 23:59 CET, and the application form can be found here.
How to find partners across the Alliance?
Make use of the EUGLOH Visiting Guest Lecturer Programme to find colleagues at the other EUGLOH partner universities to collaborate with.
Informative Session and Contact Information
If you have any questions, we invite you to watch our online webinar, “Applying for Seed Funding for Academic Staff Development and Training.” This session provides a detailed overview of the programme and was an opportunity for attendees to ask questions.
For additional information, you can reach out to the EUGLOH team at the University of Porto ( or contact your local EUGLOH Management Team.