EUGLOH Releases 2023 Annual Review Document Highlighting Achievements and Milestones

The integration of four more full partner universities, a rotating presidency model, a memorable Annual Summit and the effort to further nurture student engagement in shaping the Alliance are only a few of the achievements of the European University Alliance for Global Health (EUGLOH) in 2023. A comprehensive Annual Review has been published in order to share these and other major accomplishments from this past year of action and progress.

The Annual Review offers a glimpse of EUGLOH's key achievements, most impactful initiatives and future outlook at the close of the year 2023. These are the results that will drive the Alliance's growth and innovation in the years ahead.

Key highlights of the Annual Review include:
* Insights into progress of project-level KPIs (mobilities, milestones and deliverables).
* Information on how EUGLOH is enhancing cross-disciplinary and cross-national exchanges for its students and staff.
* Updates on how EUGLOH has been engaging students in shaping the Alliance. 
* Key achievements that are leading to an inter-connected campus. 
* Insights into how EUGLOH has advanced joint course offerings.
* An overview of EUGLOH's accomplishments in augmenting its research and innovation capacity.
* Description of the achievements in synchronising and expanding knowledge transfer activities.
* Insights into how EUGLOH has enhanced the visibility, quality, attractiveness and competitiveness of the Alliance across local, national, European and international spheres.
* Overview of the proactive steps to promote multiple career paths by spearheading programmes dedicated to lifelong learning and professional development. 
* Key achievements in deepening its collaboration with the local innovation ecosystems. 
* The steps EUGLOH has taken in implementing a robust management and coordination model geared towards ensuring the long-term viability and sustainability of the Alliance.

"All in all, this past year has seen a remarkable increase in interactions at strategic levels between our partner institutions. These engagements have been pivotal for fostering deeper connections, strategic alignments, and best-practice exchange," indicates Erik Renström, Vice-Chancellor of Lund University and chairman of the EUGLOH presiding party in 2023 in the forward address of this review.

In highlighting a few of the major developments that Lund University's presidential term (from January to December 2023) ushered in for the Alliance, Renström also drew attention to the concept of a rotating presidency, as an important innovation. In rotating this role amongst the partner universities, he notes how EUGLOH's governance structure is embodying the principles of shared responsibility, mutual respect and an alliance mindset that unite its members.

In line with a strong tradition of student engagement at his own university, Renström is also keen to point out EUGLOH's advancements in that area, indicating how students' voices have been guaranteed in EUGLOH's decision-making bodies and how important it is that students are not only participants but also essential contributors to the Alliance's future.

To access the complete Annual Review and gain deeper insights into EUGLOH's achievements, accomplishments and strategic direction, visit EUGLOH 2023 in review.