With its initiative European Universities, the EU is promoting the expansion of the European educational area. Representatives of the European university alliances additionally funded by the DAAD explain the contribution their respective networks make to a united Europe.
Prof. Dr. Bernd Huber, president of the Ludwig-Maximilians-University, which is one of the EUGLOH partners, explains the role of EUGLOH: Global health - the central theme of the 'EUGLOH' alliance - is, as recent events have shown, of worldwide relevance. The competence of the European partners in this subject area guarantees an interdisciplinary training of our students who will later strengthen the European health system as experts. "
Further the major goals of the European university alliances [CIVICA](https://www.civica.eu/), [EPICUR](https://epicur.education/), [FORTHEM](https://www.forthem-alliance.eu/en/) and [YUFE](https://yufe.eu/) are explained by the presidents of the respective universities.