The European Universities Student Ambassador Forum: knowledge sharing and collaboration between students from European Universities Alliances

My EUGLOH Story:
Participating in EUSAF felt rewarding and important. As a long-time student representative at my university, I of course have an interest in student politics and European Higher Education Policy and this event helped me develop my knowledge of other alliances and higher education in Europe.
I believe students need to stand together and help each other so that we can make sure that our voices are heard and valued. Meeting and getting to know 50 student representatives from other alliances really gave me the feeling that I was a part of a European student community. We all got the opportunity to discuss our similarities and differences through different workshops and seminars. I think that it became clear that we as representatives from the different European university alliances have a lot of similar challenges, so we probably have much to gain from a stronger collaboration between us. But we are also different in many ways, as alliances have very different themes or purposes which affect the way in which they function as well as their priorities.
Thanks to this event, I have gotten a lot of new friends and colleagues from other universities in Europe, which I hope I can meet and learn more from in the future. We also got the chance to explore the city of Warsaw together and learn more about the local culture and history but also learn about the culture of our respective home countries.
This text is part of the “My EUGLOH story” series, in which members of the EUGLOH community talk about their EUGLOH experience.