UPFit at home! Universidade do Porto offers free online sports classes

In order to foster and encourage physical activity during the confinements due to Covid-19, the Sports Centre of the University of Porto offers a manifold programme of free online sports classes called ["UPFit at Home"] (https://cdup.up.pt/news/u-porto-garante-atividade-fisica-em-casa).

The programme offers a variety of courses including group classes, mind & body training, special sessions for kids, adaptive sports, active breaks (from work), weightlifting or a circuit training on Zoom with some of them being even broadcasted live.

"UPFit at Home" is already a big success as it managed to engage members of the U.Porto community, but also various members across society. In less than two weeks, the online programme had already more than 200.000 visits.

If you also want to do yourself and your health a bit of good, join in at the [Sports Centre of Universidade do Porto](https://cdup.up.pt/) or on its channels on [Youtube](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLe8nBPaSMRK9_ZB7IxkYKw?view_as=subscriber), [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/DesportoU.Porto/) and [Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/desportou.porto/?hl=pt)